What Is Ladder Tagging? | Ladders
The most important feature of a ladder is safety. While using ladders, it is crucial to address safety concerns to prevent injuries and accidents in the workplace. But, how do you know whether your ladder is actually safe to use? Ladder tagging is the answer.
What is a Ladder Tag?
Ladder tags (and scaffolding tags) are safety inspection tags or signs that are attached to a ladder to indicate whether it is safe to use. They act as ladder inspection records which ensure the inspection procedures and maintenance are up to date.
This visual label on a ladder displays the information related to the ladder’s class, inspection period, inspection due, and a quick reference to the inspection checklist. To improve ladder safety, the manufacturer needs to make sure that the ladder is in a safe condition before use to prevent accidents.
Therefore, the tagging system provides the latest information about the ladder set in a standard form. The colour-coded tags attached to the ladders indicate their current safety status, whether it is safe to use, requires maintenance, or is to be removed due to defects.
These are the commonly used colour-coded tags:
Green tag – The ladder is inspected and is safe to use.
Yellow tag – Indicates the ladder has a minor defect but is still usable with caution.
Red tag – Unsafe to use. Need immediate repair or service.
Should You Tag Your Ladder?
Some of you may be questioning the importance of tagging a ladder. When working with ladders, you are working on heights that, if performed incorrectly or unsafely, can have fatal consequences. Ladder tagging is the best practice for carrying out regular inspections, and maintenance of the ladder and thus creating a safer working environment.
If a ladder fails an inspection, it should be in quarantine and have a “do not use” sign on it until it’s repaired. Therefore, these ladder tags act as a constant reminder about ladder safety making sure the users only use safe and tested equipment in the workplace.
The tagging system encourages regular inspections and prevents accidents through consistent repair of defective ladders. This tagging enables tracking records or ladder’s inspection history that ensures compliance with safety regulations. Ladder tagging promotes an organisation’s commitment to user safety, it can also reduce the risk of injuries and potential liability issues.
How Often Should You Tag Your Ladders?
Every ladder needs two types of inspection to keep them safe to use. First, you need a daily inspection or a pre-use check to ensure the ladder doesn’t have major defects before use. Secondly, a more detailed inspection is needed every 3,6, or 12 months depending on the frequency of use. During this full inspection, you should check every part of the ladder for cracks, loosened rungs, bends, dents, or any missing parts. Once the ladder is inspected, make sure to add the ladder tag to the ladder.
If the ladder is used in a company, make a comprehensive inspection checklist with safety criteria for inspecting. Establish a schedule for regular inspections considering the frequency of use and type of work performed. Along with ladder tagging, documenting the inspection report along with the inspection dates, findings, maintenance actions, and current status of the ladder is crucial for a safe working environment.
Who Can Tag a Ladder?
Ladder inspections can be done by expert individuals who have a depth of knowledge and experience in the field and can identify the dangerous faults or damages of a ladder. Proficiency in this field is important to carry out a proper inspection and we recommend attending a certified course on ladder inspection to those who are responsible for inspecting ladders.
Inspecting ladders at home is also a good idea with the right knowledge and experience. For household purposes, always pre-check the ladders for severe damage and seek expert help for further inspections.
Ladder tagging is an essential safety measure in an organisation enhancing safety by reducing the risk of workplace accidents. Ladder safety is not something to ignore, but to take seriously for the protection of employees or other users, while reducing liability of the company. Maintaining safety regulations to create a safer, happier working environment is what every employee should be provided with.